If you cannot find any stores which sell clip on earrings in your area, buying items online, Miyabi Grace is the best solution

I came to Malaysia 10 days ago and I went to several shopping mall and markets. I tried to find the clip on earrings to get to know the up-to-date style, but I could not find them. In Japan, there are a lot of fashion jewelry stores and there are 3 or 4 stores which deals wide varieties of clip on earrings near my house. The reason why there is a lot of clip on earrings are there are high demands of clip on earrings since the population of people who don’t get ears pierced is high in Japan.


woman wearing purple shirt holding smartphone white sitting on chair
Photo by bruce mars on Pexels.com

Twisted gold invisible clip on hoop earrings



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If you want minimal style clip on earrings, invisible clip on earrings are the only the way to have them

Gold bar invisible clip on earrings

Comfortable pierced look Japanese gold short bar minimalist minimal simple invisible clip on stud earrings MiyabiGrace 14.jpg


Hello! I am Jennifer and I am in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. It is fun to go shopping and see people’s earrings. In Japan, the population of people who get their pierced is low, I cannot find not so many people who wear earrings. Here Malaysia, many people enjoy wearing wide varieties of earrings. I found that there are many people who wear simple and minimal earrings for everyday wear.

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Amazing! updated style comfortable and pieced look Japanese clip on earring converters


If you don’t get ears pierced, it is hard to find your ideal clip on earrings, isn’t it? But if you use clip on earring converters, you can pick up as many styles as possible from the pierced earrings. You can buy gorgeous pierced earrings from online or physical stores and enjoy wearing them. And I think you had the experience to use earring converters. How was it? I guess these converters are too painful to wear. Then you gave up wearing them.

Today, I would like to introduce Japanese clip on earring converters to solve this problem! You will be free from the pain!!

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